Gamer tag | Mains | Self assessment | XP | W/L |
JstPlink |
Doing okay | Some | - |
MC | Tiger |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Giolti |
Doing okay | A lot | - |
LBF | Naive |
Beginner | Some | - |
Yumuz |
Doing okay | A lot | - |
Panino |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Mongoose |
Beginner | Some | - |
Eyct |
Doing okay | Some | - |
Ryng™ |
Professional | None | - |
HLF | Raiser |
Advanced | None | - |
Impasse |
Doing okay | A lot | - |
Gimuz |
Doing okay | A large amount | - |
Serra |
Noob | A large amount | - |
Xentor |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Sam |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Mapiz |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Diragon |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Gallax |
Beginner | None | - |
WS ~ | Mattroid |
Advanced | A lot | - |
choky |
Doing okay | Some | - |
Bura |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Raicuta |
Doing okay | Some | - |
MoraraFrutta | Morry |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Doing okay | A large amount | - |
DD | Gionno |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Izu |
Beginner | A lot | - |
JS | J5 | SkydenKou |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Geoffo |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Relakiin |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Pol |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Voix |
Advanced | A lot | - |
Nossi |
Otherworldly | None | - |
Deerd333 |
Noob | A large amount | - |
Fanchux |
Intermediate | A little | - |
UnPezzo | Rob⠀ |
Doing okay | A little | - |
ToS | DxK |
Noob | Some | - |
AlVa |
Beginner | None | - |
Rio-ST |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Smashhub | Deadangel |
Expert | A lot | - |
LegendDario |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Ex |
Doing okay | A large amount | - |
IS | CristOK |
Doing okay | Some | - |
AMS | BlatoZardd |
Intermediate | Some | - |
AMS | Retribis |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Nico |
Noob | Some | - |
Advanced | A little | - |
Yggi |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Arima |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Signor_Lei |
Advanced | Some | - |
Polline |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Gamer tag | Region | Age | Gender | Comment |
JstPlink | Emilia-Romagna | 26 | Male | |
MC | Tiger | Marche | 26 | Male | |
Giolti | Lombardy | 26 | Female | |
LBF | Naive | Emilia-Romagna | 26 | Female | |
Yumuz | Sicily | 26 | Male | Sono fortissimo |
Panino | Veneto | 26 | Male | Ciao |
Mongoose | Marche | 26 | Male | |
Eyct | Apulia | 26 | Other | Simpatico |
Ryng™ | Umbria | 26 | Male | Il mio curriculum da Smasher comprende: - Uno dei miglio... |
HLF | Raiser | Apulia | 25 | Male | |
Impasse | Sicily | 25 | ||
Gimuz | Emilia-Romagna | 25 | Male | Amo i Pokemon |
Serra | Sardinia | 25 | Male | Amo la vita |
Xentor | Lombardy | 25 | Male | |
Sam | Lombardy | 25 | Male | |
Mapiz | Emilia-Romagna | 25 | Male | Ayo |
Diragon | Lombardy | 25 | Male | |
Gallax | Marche | 25 | Male | |
WS ~ | Mattroid | Liguria | 25 | Male | |
choky | Lombardy | 25 | Female | |
Bura | Lombardy | 25 | Male | Gioco a melee ciao |
Raicuta | Campania | 24 | Male | Best Terry Bagnoli |
MoraraFrutta | Morry | Emilia-Romagna | 24 | Male | Epstein non s'è ammazzato da solo |
ITALO | SBEBO | Emilia-Romagna | 24 | Male | Non ci credo il forum di smash Bros italja |
DD | Gionno | Sardinia | 24 | Male | 🍦Bing 🥶 Chilling🍦 |
Izu | Veneto | 24 | Male | |
JS | J5 | SkydenKou | Lazio | 24 | Woooooo | |
Geoffo | Emilia-Romagna | 24 | Male | Ehi Milano Rrrr Yah Io sono Italia, io sono mafia ... |
Relakiin | Lazio | 24 | Male | |
Pol | Sardinia | 24 | Male | Produco sugo al 99.1% puro |
Voix | Piemont | 24 | Male | |
Nossi | Sardinia | 24 | Male | |
Deerd333 | Piemont | 24 | Male | La Santa Inquisizione |
Fanchux | Lombardy | 24 | Male | |
UnPezzo | Rob⠀ | Campania | 24 | Male | One Piece talvolta esce di giovedì, per cui fate attenzione! |
ToS | DxK | Tuscany | 24 | Male | Devo trovarmi un secondario |
AlVa | Veneto | 24 | Male | No Steve = Yes Party |
Rio-ST | Tuscany | 24 | Male | Vediamo cosa esce fuori |
Smashhub | Deadangel | Emilia-Romagna | 24 | Male | Il giocatore piú matto e pazzoide |
LegendDario | Sardinia | 24 | Male | |
Ex | Marche | 23 | Male | |
IS | CristOK | Sardinia | 23 | Male | #TogliamoTwitteragliSteveMain |
AMS | BlatoZardd | Sicily | 23 | Other | Pokemon Trainer è top 5 |
AMS | Retribis | Sicily | 23 | Other | grug, |
Nico | Sardinia | 23 | Male | |
ILARIA | Sicily | 23 | Male | |
Yggi | Veneto | 23 | Male | *_* |
Arima | Sicily | 23 | ||
Signor_Lei | Sicily | 23 | Male | Che bello è quando esco di casa per andare allo stadio a ... |
Polline | Lombardy | 23 | Male |
Gamer tag | Roles |
JstPlink | Player |
MC | Tiger | Player TO |
Giolti | Player |
LBF | Naive | Player |
Yumuz | Player |
Panino | Player |
Mongoose | Player |
Eyct | Player |
Ryng™ | Coach Content creator Player Streamer TO |
HLF | Raiser | Player |
Impasse | Player |
Gimuz | Coach Player Streamer TO |
Serra | Player |
Xentor | Caster Player |
Sam | Player |
Mapiz | Player |
Diragon | Player |
Gallax | Player TO |
WS ~ | Mattroid | Player |
choky | Player |
Bura | Player |
Raicuta | Player TO |
MoraraFrutta | Morry | Player |
ITALO | SBEBO | Coach Player TO |
DD | Gionno | Player TO |
Izu | Player |
JS | J5 | SkydenKou | Player |
Geoffo | Caster Player Team manager TO |
Relakiin | Player Streamer |
Pol | Player |
Voix | Caster Player |
Nossi | Player |
Deerd333 | Caster Player TO |
Fanchux | Player |
UnPezzo | Rob⠀ | Player |
ToS | DxK | Caster Player |
AlVa | Player Streamer |
Rio-ST | Player Streamer |
Smashhub | Deadangel | Player |
LegendDario | Caster Player TO |
Ex | Player |
IS | CristOK | Caster Player TO |
AMS | BlatoZardd | Player |
AMS | Retribis | Player TO |
Nico | Player |
ILARIA | Player |
Yggi | Player |
Arima | Player TO |
Signor_Lei | Player |
Polline | Player |