
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
king_dedede icon incineroar icon cloud icon
Advanced A little -
Il Picchiatore Ra...
olimar icon steve icon hero icon
Doing okay Some -
joker icon richter icon
Doing okay A lot -
ganondorf icon
Noob A large amount -
king_dedede icon
Doing okay Some -
PC | Ixumy
king_dedede icon inkling icon piranha_plant icon
Doing okay Some -
rosalina_and_luma icon byleth icon
Beginner A lot -
Stoners | Jack
terry icon donkey_kong icon
Noob A little -
jigglypuff icon terry icon
Expert Some -
pikachu icon lucas icon ice_climbers icon
Doing okay Some -
king_k_rool icon
Advanced Some -
CasaRolly | JustCri
steve icon byleth icon
Doing okay A lot -
casarolly | Kappa.
cloud icon bowser icon
Intermediate A lot -
banjo_and_kazooie icon shulk icon yoshi icon
Intermediate A lot -
AMS | Kireek
incineroar icon donkey_kong icon young_link icon
Intermediate A lot -
Kolla Otherworldly A large amount -
captain_falcon icon
Intermediate A lot -
ganondorf icon dr_mario icon
Doing okay A lot -
marth icon king_dedede icon
Intermediate A large amount -
little Yoshi
toon_link icon kirby icon steve icon
Doing okay A little -
Liuk Lemon
captain_falcon icon mewtwo icon bowser icon
Beginner None -
AMS | Lombra
ike icon byleth icon
Doing okay A large amount -
sheik icon
Intermediate A lot -
jigglypuff icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
wii_fit_trainer icon little_mac icon
Expert A lot -
steve icon mario icon sora icon
Expert None -
JS | LupoMavericK
sephiroth icon cloud icon samus icon
Doing okay A large amount -
mario icon cloud icon
Expert A large amount -
Lag Gang | Marco 17
sephiroth icon incineroar icon yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
ganondorf icon kazuya icon link icon
Intermediate A little -
WS ~ | Mattroid
king_dedede icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Advanced A lot -
HLF | metasaint
mega_man icon ryu icon
Noob A lot -
random icon pokemon_trainer icon cloud icon
Advanced None -
jigglypuff icon
Advanced Some -
little_mac icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
ToSmash | MIG
hero icon sora icon dark_pit icon
Intermediate A lot -
rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay Some -
HLF | MikiLink
sora icon bayonetta icon snake icon
Advanced A large amount -
Lag Gang | MiniRaffo
joker icon mario icon sonic icon
Beginner None -
RS | Monald
kazuya icon steve icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Expert Some -
samus icon
Beginner Some -
ICON | Moon
bayonetta icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
MoraraFrutta | Morry
byleth icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A large amount -
jigglypuff icon
Beginner A little -
Pallone | MVarmata
snake icon
Advanced A lot -
LBF | Naive
cloud icon
Beginner Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A lot -
mr_game_and_watch icon marth icon ganondorf icon
Intermediate None -
robin icon
Intermediate A little -
falco icon
Noob Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
king_dedede icon ILARIA sicily image Sicily 23 Male
olimar icon Il Picchiatore Ra... piemont image Piemont 22 Other Nunca lo supe, en que me metí Nunca podre volver atras a...
joker icon Impasse sicily image Sicily 25
ganondorf icon IO marche image Marche 29 Male 27/M
king_dedede icon irene sardinia image Sardinia 26 Female IRENE
king_dedede icon PC | Ixumy piemont image Piemont 28 Other
rosalina_and_luma icon Izu veneto image Veneto 24 Male
terry icon Stoners | Jack lazio image Lazio 20 Male Sex
jigglypuff icon Jigglypoly campania image Campania 16 Male yay
pikachu icon JstPlink emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 26 Male
king_k_rool icon Just_Andy piemont image Piemont 20 Male Canale YouTube: Just_Andy
steve icon CasaRolly | JustCri lazio image Lazio Male haiii
cloud icon casarolly | Kappa. piemont image Piemont 21 Male top 1 scarsi
banjo_and_kazooie icon KennyOrnitorinco umbria image Umbria 22 Male
incineroar icon AMS | Kireek sicily image Sicily 22 Male
emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna melee <3
captain_falcon icon Kurabu apulia image Apulia 20 Male Seguitemi su twitter per i disegni epici :P
ganondorf icon Kurøbu lazio image Lazio 20 Male Romalul
marth icon LegendDario sardinia image Sardinia 24 Male
toon_link icon little Yoshi sicily image Sicily 21 Other
captain_falcon icon Liuk Lemon friuli_venezia_giulia image Friuli Venezia Giulia 21 Male
ike icon AMS | Lombra emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna /fwd ruota
sheik icon Lonk
jigglypuff icon LorenzoMS friuli_venezia_giulia image Friuli Venezia Giulia 27 Male sono zante
wii_fit_trainer icon Luciifero piemont image Piemont 28 Male Semi-Retired - Creator & Host of "SBIT Spike Podcast" - ...
steve icon luckyblock lombardy image Lombardy 20 Male Steve Main⚒️
sephiroth icon JS | LupoMavericK lazio image Lazio 24 Male Main T.O. Jupiter Smash & SBIT Online League • Sound Prod...
mario icon Mapiz emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 25 Male Ayo
sephiroth icon Lag Gang | Marco 17 lombardy image Lombardy 18 Male Meme expert
ganondorf icon Mark lombardy image Lombardy 20 Male Amongus
king_dedede icon WS ~ | Mattroid liguria image Liguria 25 Male
mega_man icon HLF | metasaint apulia image Apulia 31 Male
random icon Mettyu apulia image Apulia 27 Male skill issue
jigglypuff icon Mickmeme campania image Campania 19 Male
little_mac icon Midoriss emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna Male
hero icon ToSmash | MIG tuscany image Tuscany 23 Male ciao sono proprio io MIG ed odio Pisa! ho pure un gioco ...
rosalina_and_luma icon Mikee lombardy image Lombardy 26 Male
sora icon HLF | MikiLink apulia image Apulia 27 Male Ex Main TO Pugliese, tutt'ora do una mano per gestire la ...
joker icon Lag Gang | MiniRaffo marche image Marche 12 Male ziopera
kazuya icon RS | Monald abruzzo image Abruzzo 22 Male
samus icon Mongoose marche image Marche 26 Male
bayonetta icon ICON | Moon campania image Campania 17 Male
byleth icon MoraraFrutta | Morry emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 24 Male Epstein non s'è ammazzato da solo
jigglypuff icon mUg0_ emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 18 Male Goku è molto potente io invece no porca puttana
snake icon Pallone | MVarmata emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 19 FORZA FORNACE ZARATTINI F.F.Z.
cloud icon LBF | Naive emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 26 Female
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept tuscany image Tuscany 32 Male E bomb(?)
mr_game_and_watch icon Net veneto image Veneto 17 Male L'urlo del sium
robin icon nick3711 tuscany image Tuscany 21 Male A good tactician has nothing to fear
falco icon Nico sardinia image Sardinia 23 Male
Gamer tag Roles
king_dedede icon ILARIA Player
olimar icon Il Picchiatore Ra... Player
joker icon Impasse Player
ganondorf icon IO Content creator Player TO
king_dedede icon irene Designer Player TO
king_dedede icon PC | Ixumy Player Team manager TO
rosalina_and_luma icon Izu Player
terry icon Stoners | Jack Player
jigglypuff icon Jigglypoly Player
pikachu icon JstPlink Player
king_k_rool icon Just_Andy Player Streamer
steve icon CasaRolly | JustCri Player
cloud icon casarolly | Kappa. Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon KennyOrnitorinco Player Streamer
incineroar icon AMS | Kireek Player
captain_falcon icon Kurabu Player
ganondorf icon Kurøbu Player
marth icon LegendDario Caster Player TO
toon_link icon little Yoshi Player
captain_falcon icon Liuk Lemon Player
ike icon AMS | Lombra Player TO
sheik icon Lonk Player
jigglypuff icon LorenzoMS Player TO
wii_fit_trainer icon Luciifero Content creator Player TO
steve icon luckyblock Player
sephiroth icon JS | LupoMavericK Community editor TO
mario icon Mapiz Player
sephiroth icon Lag Gang | Marco 17 Player Team manager
ganondorf icon Mark Player
king_dedede icon WS ~ | Mattroid Player
mega_man icon HLF | metasaint Designer Player
random icon Mettyu Content creator Player Streamer
jigglypuff icon Mickmeme Player
little_mac icon Midoriss Admin Caster Player TO
hero icon ToSmash | MIG Player
rosalina_and_luma icon Mikee Player TO
sora icon HLF | MikiLink Player TO
joker icon Lag Gang | MiniRaffo Player
kazuya icon RS | Monald Player TO
samus icon Mongoose Player
bayonetta icon ICON | Moon Player
byleth icon MoraraFrutta | Morry Player
jigglypuff icon mUg0_ Player
snake icon Pallone | MVarmata Player
cloud icon LBF | Naive Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept Caster Player Streamer
mr_game_and_watch icon Net Player
robin icon nick3711 Player
falco icon Nico Player
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