Gamer tag | Mains | Self assessment | XP | W/L |
Gappy |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
EpatiteLosca |
Expert | A lot | - |
MC | Raffobaffo |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Solid | Expert | A large amount | - | |
mUg0_ |
Beginner | A little | - |
Bosco |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
casarolly | Kappa. |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Bura |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Sasyzza |
Doing okay | Some | - |
y0lT |
Professional | A lot | - |
Perrybif |
Advanced | Some | - |
AMS | Kireek |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Cano |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Ryng™ |
Professional | None | - |
Storm ⠀ |
Intermediate | None | - |
Cherry |
Otherworldly | Some | - |
MESESK | 3ros |
Noob | None | - |
Luciifero |
Expert | A lot | - |
SS | Gabribros |
Intermediate | A large amount | - |
Zagara |
Doing okay | A little | - |
Omega |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
Thefoxy1978 |
Doing okay | A little | - |
schy |
Intermediate | None | - |
Berlinguer |
Intermediate | None | - |
Gabri0879 |
Advanced | None | - |
Midoriss |
Otherworldly | A large amount | - |
bertoleo |
Advanced | A lot | - |
Ealot Van Zieks |
Advanced | None | - |
Net |
Intermediate | None | - |
Mettyu |
Advanced | None | - |
Draglen |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Queeda |
Doing okay | Some | - |
DDDStroyer |
Noob | Some | - |
Oshawott2206 |
Advanced | A large amount | - |
Mapiz |
Expert | A large amount | - |
Burzof |
Intermediate | A lot | - |
MOC | PigoPreacher |
Intermediate | Some | - |
CRS | Gind |
Doing okay | Some | - |
Yashi |
Noob | Some | - |
ToS | DxK |
Noob | Some | - |
ICON | Moon |
Intermediate | Some | - |
casarolly | Ragazzo Sam |
Intermediate | Some | - |
Olaf |
Intermediate | Some | - |
AMS | Forze |
Expert | A large amount | - |
AMS | Sente |
Doing okay | Some | - |
Her0 |
Doing okay | Some | - |
Gogh |
Doing okay | A lot | - |
JS | LupoMavericK |
Doing okay | A large amount | - |
RiotRiolu! |
Beginner | None | - |
Fanchux |
Intermediate | A little | - |
Gamer tag | Region | Age | Gender | Comment |
Gappy | Lombardy | 22 | Male | ogni tanto io e Bura andiamo a sanguisugare i mensili mil... |
EpatiteLosca | Lazio | 19 | Male | Non ho palle abbastanza abbastanza grandi per cambiar cit... |
MC | Raffobaffo | Marche | 17 | Male | top 1 ita eccomi :D |
Sardinia | 20 | Male | Ciao gioco a Melee :D |
mUg0_ | Emilia-Romagna | 18 | Male | Goku è molto potente io invece no porca puttana |
Bosco | Veneto | 22 | Male | |
casarolly | Kappa. | Piemont | 21 | Male | top 1 scarsi |
Bura | Lombardy | 25 | Male | Gioco a melee ciao |
Sasyzza | Sicily | 17 | Male | |
y0lT | Lombardy | 20 | Male | 18. he/him. Ness/Roy main. Italian and Dominican. New-Yol... |
Perrybif | Campania | 29 | Male | Gioco Zelda perchè da piccolo mia sorella non mi permise ... |
AMS | Kireek | Sicily | 22 | Male | |
Cano | Emilia-Romagna | 22 | Male | Ayo Davidoni here! |
Ryng™ | Umbria | 26 | Male | Il mio curriculum da Smasher comprende: - Uno dei miglio... |
Storm ⠀ | Sicily | Male | ROB MERDA | |
Cherry | Campania | 27 | Male | Gioco a Melee! |
MESESK | 3ros | Emilia-Romagna | 19 | Male | Viva la gnocca! |
Luciifero | Piemont | 28 | Male | Semi-Retired - Creator & Host of "SBIT Spike Podcast" - ... |
SS | Gabribros | Sardinia | 22 | Male | |
Zagara | Lombardy | 27 | Male | |
Omega | Marche | 23 | Male | |
Thefoxy1978 | Campania | 22 | Male | |
schy | Tuscany | 16 | Male | |
Berlinguer | Lazio | 18 | Male | |
Gabri0879 | Lazio | 17 | Male | |
Midoriss | Emilia-Romagna | Male | ||
bertoleo | Emilia-Romagna | 17 | Male | |
Ealot Van Zieks | Campania | 19 | Male | |
Net | Veneto | 17 | Male | L'urlo del sium |
Mettyu | Apulia | 27 | Male | skill issue |
Draglen | Lombardy | 28 | Male | |
Queeda | Liguria | Male | ||
DDDStroyer | Emilia-Romagna | 20 | Male | |
Oshawott2206 | Tuscany | 20 | Male | Futuro #1 al Mondo |
Mapiz | Emilia-Romagna | 25 | Male | Ayo |
Burzof | Liguria | 22 | Male | |
MOC | PigoPreacher | Lazio | 21 | Male | |
CRS | Gind | Sicily | 31 | Male | |
Yashi | Marche | 22 | Male | |
ToS | DxK | Tuscany | 24 | Male | Devo trovarmi un secondario |
ICON | Moon | Campania | 17 | Male | |
casarolly | Ragazzo Sam | Tuscany | 21 | Male | |
Olaf | Veneto | 38 | Male | pantalones giganticus |
AMS | Forze | Sicily | 21 | Male | |
AMS | Sente | Sicily | 31 | Male | Come a scuola così su smash, potrebbe essere bravo ma non... |
Her0 | Campania | 22 | Male | |
Gogh | Sardinia | 20 | Male | Mamuthones! |
JS | LupoMavericK | Lazio | 24 | Male | Main T.O. Jupiter Smash & SBIT Online League • Sound Prod... |
RiotRiolu! | Campania | 14 | Male | Forza Napoli |
Fanchux | Lombardy | 24 | Male |
Gamer tag | Roles |
Gappy | Player |
EpatiteLosca | Player TO |
MC | Raffobaffo | Designer Player Streamer TO |
Player TO |
mUg0_ | Player |
Bosco | Player |
casarolly | Kappa. | Player |
Bura | Player |
Sasyzza | Player |
y0lT | Player Streamer |
Perrybif | Player |
AMS | Kireek | Player |
Cano | Player |
Ryng™ | Coach Content creator Player Streamer TO |
Storm ⠀ | Player |
Cherry | Player Streamer |
MESESK | 3ros | Player |
Luciifero | Content creator Player TO |
SS | Gabribros | Player |
Zagara | Player |
Omega | Player |
Thefoxy1978 | Player Streamer |
schy | Player |
Berlinguer | Player |
Gabri0879 | Player |
Midoriss | Admin Caster Player TO |
bertoleo | Player |
Ealot Van Zieks | Player |
Net | Player |
Mettyu | Content creator Player Streamer |
Draglen | Player TO |
Queeda | Player |
DDDStroyer | Player |
Oshawott2206 | Player |
Mapiz | Player |
Burzof | Player |
MOC | PigoPreacher | Player |
CRS | Gind | Player |
Yashi | Player |
ToS | DxK | Caster Player |
ICON | Moon | Player |
casarolly | Ragazzo Sam | Player |
Olaf | Player TO |
AMS | Forze | Player |
AMS | Sente | Player |
Her0 | Player |
Gogh | Player |
JS | LupoMavericK | Community editor TO |
RiotRiolu! | Player |
Fanchux | Player |