
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
mario icon cloud icon
Expert A large amount -
AMS | Shinbur
mario icon diddy_kong icon sheik icon
Intermediate A lot -
mario icon inkling icon zelda icon
Advanced None -
CRS | Gind
mario icon lucario icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
mario icon
Beginner None -
marth icon king_dedede icon
Intermediate A large amount -
marth icon
Doing okay Some -
mega_man icon bowser_jr icon
Advanced Some -
mega_man icon olimar icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot -
HLF | metasaint
mega_man icon ryu icon
Noob A lot -
meta_knight icon bowser_jr icon
Intermediate A little -
meta_knight icon
Doing okay A little -
mewtwo icon young_link icon
Doing okay Some -
MOC | PigoPreacher
mii_brawler icon
Intermediate Some -
ToS | DxK
mii_swordfighter icon yoshi icon
Noob Some -
min_min icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A lot -
Greg's Empire
mr_game_and_watch icon little_mac icon
Otherworldly None -
mr_game_and_watch icon mario icon
Doing okay None -
mr_game_and_watch icon marth icon ganondorf icon
Intermediate None -
mr_game_and_watch icon pac_man icon rob icon
Advanced Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon sephiroth icon terry icon
Intermediate A lot -
HE HE HE HAw | Sky(TG23)
mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A large amount -
ness icon hero icon
Intermediate Some -
ness icon roy icon
Professional A lot -
Phantom D
ness icon sora icon
Doing okay Some -
MC | Gandix
ness icon
Professional A large amount -
Il Picchiatore Ra...
olimar icon steve icon hero icon
Doing okay Some -
MC | Tiger
palutena icon roy icon ridley icon
Intermediate A large amount -
palutena icon ryu icon
Beginner None -
palutena icon sephiroth icon mewtwo icon
Beginner None -
Br. Ba. Guys | SauloBuonuomo
palutena icon sora icon
Doing okay A little -
poko piza
peach icon daisy icon
Beginner A little -
peach icon pokemon_trainer icon
Expert A large amount -
peach icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate Some -
pichu icon pokemon_trainer icon
Noob A little -
pichu icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
pichu icon zelda icon
Doing okay A lot -
pikachu icon lucas icon ice_climbers icon
Doing okay Some -
pikachu icon lucina icon terry icon
Intermediate None -
pikachu icon pit icon greninja icon
Advanced Some -
pikachu icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay Some -
piranha_plant icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A lot -
HLF | b00bs
pit icon falco icon roy icon
Advanced A large amount -
pokemon_trainer icon diddy_kong icon cloud icon
Beginner Some -
pokemon_trainer icon palutena icon
Intermediate A large amount -
AMS | BlatoZardd
pokemon_trainer icon rob icon
Intermediate Some -
pokemon_trainer icon sephiroth icon zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate A little -
pokemon_trainer icon
Beginner Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
mario icon Mapiz emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 25 Male Ayo
mario icon AMS | Shinbur sicily image Sicily 21
mario icon Gabri0879 lazio image Lazio 17 Male
mario icon CRS | Gind sicily image Sicily 31 Male
mario icon Cassie lombardy image Lombardy 26 Female
marth icon LegendDario sardinia image Sardinia 24 Male
marth icon CarbonAnanas sicily image Sicily
mega_man icon Pato lombardy image Lombardy 22 Male
mega_man icon Geoffo emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 24 Male Ehi Milano Rrrr Yah Io sono Italia, io sono mafia ...
mega_man icon HLF | metasaint apulia image Apulia 31 Male
meta_knight icon PaulPetta sardinia image Sardinia 15 Male ⚠️WARNING, This user is currently being investigated by t...
meta_knight icon PC4SH emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 17 Male
mewtwo icon Genga emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 27 Male Piscio seduto nessuno mi accoltellerà alle spalle
mii_brawler icon MOC | PigoPreacher lazio image Lazio 21 Male
mii_swordfighter icon ToS | DxK tuscany image Tuscany 24 Male Devo trovarmi un secondario
min_min icon Signor_Lei sicily image Sicily 23 Male Che bello è quando esco di casa per andare allo stadio a ...
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept tuscany image Tuscany 32 Male E bomb(?)
mr_game_and_watch icon Greg's Empire tuscany image Tuscany 17 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon CRHIX lombardy image Lombardy 17 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Net veneto image Veneto 17 Male L'urlo del sium
mr_game_and_watch icon Colors! No VABBE'
mr_game_and_watch icon NEG | ARAGHOSTA umbria image Umbria Male Gioco a Smash casto a Smash organizzo tornei di Smash. So...
mr_game_and_watch icon HE HE HE HAw | Sky(TG23) lazio image Lazio 19 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Gappy lombardy image Lombardy 22 Male ogni tanto io e Bura andiamo a sanguisugare i mensili mil...
ness icon Pol sardinia image Sardinia 24 Male Produco sugo al 99.1% puro
ness icon y0lT lombardy image Lombardy 20 Male 18. he/him. Ness/Roy main. Italian and Dominican. New-Yol...
ness icon Phantom D sardinia image Sardinia 17 Male
ness icon MC | Gandix marche image Marche 27 Male
olimar icon Il Picchiatore Ra... piemont image Piemont 22 Other Nunca lo supe, en que me metí Nunca podre volver atras a...
palutena icon MC | Tiger marche image Marche 26 Male
palutena icon Gallax marche image Marche 25 Male
palutena icon firstbones friuli_venezia_giulia image Friuli Venezia Giulia 27 Male ciaooooo
palutena icon Br. Ba. Guys | SauloBuonuomo lazio image Lazio Male “Se ni’ mondo esistesse un po’ di bene e ognun si honsid...
peach icon poko piza liguria image Liguria 17 Male good luck, have fun
peach icon Bura lombardy image Lombardy 25 Male Gioco a melee ciao
peach icon Polline lombardy image Lombardy 23 Male
pichu icon Oyorome sardinia image Sardinia
pichu icon Queeda liguria image Liguria Male
pichu icon Giolti lombardy image Lombardy 26 Female
pikachu icon JstPlink emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 26 Male
pikachu icon Berlinguer lazio image Lazio 18 Male
pikachu icon OrangeFury tuscany image Tuscany 32 Male
pikachu icon Bless campania image Campania 23 Male
piranha_plant icon Omega marche image Marche 23 Male
pit icon HLF | b00bs apulia image Apulia 26 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Bencio emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 31 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Diragon lombardy image Lombardy 25 Male
pokemon_trainer icon AMS | BlatoZardd sicily image Sicily 23 Other Pokemon Trainer è top 5
pokemon_trainer icon Scalzuan lombardy image Lombardy 22 Male Devo gitguddare ma non so come cabbo fare
pokemon_trainer icon Angel(z) sicily image Sicily 21 Male Se vi esco Villager vuol dire che vi odio
Gamer tag Roles
mario icon Mapiz Player
mario icon AMS | Shinbur Player Streamer TO
mario icon Gabri0879 Player
mario icon CRS | Gind Player
mario icon Cassie Player
marth icon LegendDario Caster Player TO
marth icon CarbonAnanas Player
mega_man icon Pato Player
mega_man icon Geoffo Caster Player Team manager TO
mega_man icon HLF | metasaint Designer Player
meta_knight icon PaulPetta Player
meta_knight icon PC4SH Player
mewtwo icon Genga Player TO
mii_brawler icon MOC | PigoPreacher Player
mii_swordfighter icon ToS | DxK Caster Player
min_min icon Signor_Lei Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept Caster Player Streamer
mr_game_and_watch icon Greg's Empire Player
mr_game_and_watch icon CRHIX Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Net Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Colors! Player
mr_game_and_watch icon NEG | ARAGHOSTA Caster Player TO
mr_game_and_watch icon HE HE HE HAw | Sky(TG23) Player Streamer
mr_game_and_watch icon Gappy Player
ness icon Pol Player
ness icon y0lT Player Streamer
ness icon Phantom D Player
ness icon MC | Gandix Player
olimar icon Il Picchiatore Ra... Player
palutena icon MC | Tiger Player TO
palutena icon Gallax Player TO
palutena icon firstbones Player
palutena icon Br. Ba. Guys | SauloBuonuomo Player Team manager
peach icon poko piza Player
peach icon Bura Player
peach icon Polline Player
pichu icon Oyorome Player
pichu icon Queeda Player
pichu icon Giolti Player
pikachu icon JstPlink Player
pikachu icon Berlinguer Player
pikachu icon OrangeFury Player
pikachu icon Bless Player TO
piranha_plant icon Omega Player
pit icon HLF | b00bs Content creator Player Streamer
pokemon_trainer icon Bencio Player
pokemon_trainer icon Diragon Player
pokemon_trainer icon AMS | BlatoZardd Player
pokemon_trainer icon Scalzuan Player
pokemon_trainer icon Angel(z) Player
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