
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
little_mac icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
king_dedede icon banjo_and_kazooie icon incineroar icon
Advanced A large amount -
Ealot Van Zieks
joker icon byleth icon
Advanced None -
Pubblicate il sit...
sonic icon samus icon shulk icon
Beginner None -
mr_game_and_watch icon marth icon ganondorf icon
Intermediate None -
king_dedede icon sonic icon olimar icon
Noob Some -
isabelle icon marth icon byleth icon
Expert A large amount -
greninja icon lucario icon pikachu icon
Advanced A large amount -
random icon pokemon_trainer icon cloud icon
Advanced None -
pichu icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
JS | LupoMavericK
sephiroth icon cloud icon samus icon
Doing okay A large amount -
mario icon cloud icon
Expert A large amount -
sonic icon
Intermediate None -
ToS | Crowind
sephiroth icon donkey_kong icon lucina icon
Intermediate A large amount -
pyra_and_mythra icon zero_suit_samus icon steve icon
Intermediate A lot -
kirby icon
Noob Some -
ToS | DxK
mii_swordfighter icon yoshi icon
Noob Some -
ICON | Moon
bayonetta icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
dr_mario icon duck_hunt icon young_link icon
Intermediate Some -
ICON | Final Mix
isabelle icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
AMS | Forze
rob icon
Expert A large amount -
little_mac icon
Doing okay Some -
ike icon corrin icon wolf icon
Intermediate A lot -
Stoners | Jack
terry icon donkey_kong icon
Noob A little -
inkling icon wario icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
Lag Gang | Marco 17
sephiroth icon incineroar icon yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
joker icon byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A lot -
sonic icon
Advanced A lot -
mr_game_and_watch icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A lot -
Liuk Lemon
captain_falcon icon mewtwo icon bowser icon
Beginner None -
ken icon young_link icon inkling icon
Doing okay A lot -
ganondorf icon dr_mario icon
Doing okay A lot -
cloud icon
Intermediate Some -
little_mac icon pikachu icon pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A little -
min_min icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced Some -
casarolly | Aster
steve icon bowser_jr icon
Intermediate Some -
little_mac icon
Intermediate A large amount -
ganondorf icon
Noob A large amount -
Assalto | Zante
terry icon dr_mario icon roy icon
Advanced A lot -
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot -
pokemon_trainer icon palutena icon
Intermediate A large amount -
MC | Tiger
palutena icon roy icon ridley icon
Intermediate A large amount -
king_dedede icon incineroar icon cloud icon
Advanced A little -
MOC | PigoPreacher
mii_brawler icon
Intermediate Some -
casarolly | Wally
zelda icon isabelle icon
Otherworldly None -
HLF | Geisteroger
inkling icon
Doing okay Some -
IS | CristOK
sheik icon palutena icon yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
CRS | Gind
mario icon lucario icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
AMS | Shinbur
mario icon diddy_kong icon sheik icon
Intermediate A lot -
sephiroth icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
little_mac icon Midoriss emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna Male
king_dedede icon Picone lazio image Lazio 27 Male Organizzatore principale di eventi a Roma Coordinatore d...
joker icon Ealot Van Zieks campania image Campania 19 Male
sonic icon Pubblicate il sit...
mr_game_and_watch icon Net veneto image Veneto 17 Male L'urlo del sium
king_dedede icon DDDStroyer emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 20 Male
isabelle icon Draglen lombardy image Lombardy 28 Male
greninja icon Oshawott2206 tuscany image Tuscany 20 Male Futuro #1 al Mondo
random icon Mettyu apulia image Apulia 27 Male skill issue
pichu icon Queeda liguria image Liguria Male
sephiroth icon JS | LupoMavericK lazio image Lazio 24 Male Main T.O. Jupiter Smash & SBIT Online League • Sound Prod...
mario icon Mapiz emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 25 Male Ayo
sonic icon Supah apulia image Apulia 17 Male Chi di spada ferisce odio palermo
sephiroth icon ToS | Crowind tuscany image Tuscany 30 Other
pyra_and_mythra icon Burzof liguria image Liguria 22 Male
kirby icon Yashi marche image Marche 22 Male
mii_swordfighter icon ToS | DxK tuscany image Tuscany 24 Male Devo trovarmi un secondario
bayonetta icon ICON | Moon campania image Campania 17 Male
dr_mario icon Olaf veneto image Veneto 38 Male pantalones giganticus
isabelle icon ICON | Final Mix lombardy image Lombardy 18 Male Amogus
rob icon AMS | Forze sicily image Sicily 21 Male
little_mac icon Her0 campania image Campania 22 Male
ike icon Elissia piemont image Piemont 28 Female ike verde
terry icon Stoners | Jack lazio image Lazio 20 Male Sex
inkling icon Porké sicily image Sicily 22 Male Chi sei Goku non lo sai
sephiroth icon Lag Gang | Marco 17 lombardy image Lombardy 18 Male Meme expert
joker icon Pelli lazio image Lazio 20 Other Hirasawa yui
sonic icon bertoleo emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 17 Male I'm gonna reach for the stars
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept tuscany image Tuscany 32 Male E bomb(?)
captain_falcon icon Liuk Lemon friuli_venezia_giulia image Friuli Venezia Giulia 21 Male
ken icon Wavelight sicily image Sicily 21 Male
ganondorf icon Kurøbu lazio image Lazio 20 Male Romalul
cloud icon Rio-ST tuscany image Tuscany 24 Male Vediamo cosa esce fuori
little_mac icon TribalFire sicily image Sicily 18 Male
min_min icon Signor_Lei sicily image Sicily 23 Male Che bello è quando esco di casa per andare allo stadio a ...
steve icon casarolly | Aster piemont image Piemont 19 Male Probabilmente mi vedrete una volta all'anno ma comunque c...
little_mac icon Amarillo emilia-romagna image Emilia-Romagna 27 Male
ganondorf icon IO marche image Marche 29 Male 27/M
terry icon Assalto | Zante veneto image Veneto 19 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon Yumuz sicily image Sicily 26 Male Sono fortissimo
pokemon_trainer icon Diragon lombardy image Lombardy 25 Male
palutena icon MC | Tiger marche image Marche 26 Male
king_dedede icon ILARIA sicily image Sicily 23 Male
mii_brawler icon MOC | PigoPreacher lazio image Lazio 21 Male
zelda icon casarolly | Wally marche image Marche 18 Male Pazzo assurdo
inkling icon HLF | Geisteroger apulia image Apulia 26 Male
sheik icon IS | CristOK sardinia image Sardinia 23 Male #TogliamoTwitteragliSteveMain
mario icon CRS | Gind sicily image Sicily 31 Male
mario icon AMS | Shinbur sicily image Sicily 21
sephiroth icon Hazael lazio image Lazio 21 Other Hehe sideb go brrrrr
Gamer tag Roles
little_mac icon Midoriss Admin Caster Player TO
king_dedede icon Picone Community editor Player TO
joker icon Ealot Van Zieks Player
sonic icon Pubblicate il sit... Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Net Player
king_dedede icon DDDStroyer Player
isabelle icon Draglen Player TO
greninja icon Oshawott2206 Player
random icon Mettyu Content creator Player Streamer
pichu icon Queeda Player
sephiroth icon JS | LupoMavericK Community editor TO
mario icon Mapiz Player
sonic icon Supah Content creator Player
sephiroth icon ToS | Crowind Caster Designer Player Team manager TO
pyra_and_mythra icon Burzof Player
kirby icon Yashi Player
mii_swordfighter icon ToS | DxK Caster Player
bayonetta icon ICON | Moon Player
dr_mario icon Olaf Player TO
isabelle icon ICON | Final Mix Player
rob icon AMS | Forze Player
little_mac icon Her0 Player
ike icon Elissia Player
terry icon Stoners | Jack Player
inkling icon Porké Community editor Player TO
sephiroth icon Lag Gang | Marco 17 Player Team manager
joker icon Pelli Player
sonic icon bertoleo Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Ndrept Caster Player Streamer
captain_falcon icon Liuk Lemon Player
ken icon Wavelight Player TO
ganondorf icon Kurøbu Player
cloud icon Rio-ST Player Streamer
little_mac icon TribalFire Player
min_min icon Signor_Lei Player
steve icon casarolly | Aster Player
little_mac icon Amarillo Caster Player Streamer TO
ganondorf icon IO Content creator Player TO
terry icon Assalto | Zante Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Yumuz Player
pokemon_trainer icon Diragon Player
palutena icon MC | Tiger Player TO
king_dedede icon ILARIA Player
mii_brawler icon MOC | PigoPreacher Player
zelda icon casarolly | Wally Designer Player
inkling icon HLF | Geisteroger Player
sheik icon IS | CristOK Caster Player TO
mario icon CRS | Gind Player
mario icon AMS | Shinbur Player Streamer TO
sephiroth icon Hazael Player
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